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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tomato Soup

Tomato Soup
Tomato soup. Is there anything more warm and satisfying on a chilly autumn evening? I was craving it and haven't found a recipe from my mom in her recipe box, so I used this recipe I found in a Taste of Home magazine.
Pepperidge Farm Goldfish "Babies" Baked Cheddar

I am a sucker for just about anything from Taste of Home. I love how they include color photos of all their recipes in their cookbooks and magazines and on their website. Any cookbook or cooking magazine that doesn't do that is going to get a big thumbs down from me.

Speaking of photos and photography, mine aren't the best, I realize. The key to good photos, in my humble opinion, is natural light. That is something I have virtually none of in my cave, er, I mean apartment. It's not that my place is completely windowless (I do have two windows) but the windows I do have I keep the shades drawn on 99% of the time. I just have too many neighbors in close quarters to do otherwise. I've noticed how my neighbors who ignore this rule and keep their blinds open are living in a fishbowl—especially at night, when the inside lights come on. You have a window into their worlds, because you can peer into their places and see their artwork, their furniture, their cat, what television shows they are watching. I notice this not because I'm a Peeping Tom, but because I frequently have to take my dog out for potty breaks, and I naturally look at my apartment and other houses and buildings in my neighborhood as I pass by. I've decided I would rather not have my neighbors see the granny underwear I wear to bed or the brand of cold cream that I use.

But I digress. I was talking about photography and how difficult it is to get decent pictures in non-decent light. That and decent dinnerware/cookware a person needs. Having some nice plates on which to showcase your food always helps. But, I didn't want to delay starting my blog until I got into a place with better light, so if you can put up with my mediocre photos until then, I promise things will get better. (What I could do with light streaming onto a dining room table. I salivate just thinking about it. In the meantime, my bat cave photos with lots of shadows will have to do for now.)
Frying up mushrooms

Back to the tomato soup. There are all kinds of wonderful food accompaniments to make this dish fresh every time you eat it. You can fry up some mushrooms and add it; add baby or regular-sized Goldfish crackers or oyster or saltine crackers, or make a toasted grilled cheese sandwich and cut it into little crouton-sized squares and add it. You can also add fresh dill; or oarmesan or cheddar or red-pepper cheese; cheese tortellini or any other kind of pasta, or all of the above. The variations are endless.

Yummmm. I'm going to go curl up with a bowl of my favorite soup now. Thank you very much.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Chicken and Lettuce Salad

I've brought a lot of candy and desserts into work lately and some of my co-workers declared I need to make something healthier, so I went for this salad option that I found in my mom's recipe box.

This recipe is easy to make ahead of time. Rather than add all the lettuce and Chow Mein noodles at one time, I chose to add them to single portion sizes. I also experimented with adding Ranch Dressing to the individual serving sizes, for some additional zing, and another time I added some sharp shredded cheddar cheese to a serving. Both were tasty variations.

Chicken and Lettuce Salad

You can use either Mayo (Hellmann's) or Miracle Whip!
3 hard boiled eggs
2 cups cooked chicken
1/2 bag frozen peas
1 cup sliced Spanish Olives
3 stalks of celery diced
1 cup mayo

Mix together and let sit a few hours or overnight.
Pictsweet Frozen Green Peas
Lindsay Spanish Olives

This handy dandy tool from Pampered Chef makes quick work of slicing and dicing hard-boiled eggs.
If you catch the egg coming through, with your other hand, you can reposition sideways on your tool and slice again for smaller pieces.

Ready to serve: add 1/2 head shredded lettuce small bag of Chow Mein noodles.

China Boy Chow Mein Noodles, Dole Just Lettuce

I fried four chicken breast cutlets in coconut oil. I didn't time them, but I did cut them open half way through cooking to make sure the insides were cooked thoroughly. I'm paranoid about undercooked meat.
I'm becoming a big believer in using meat thermometers. This chart ( is a great resource on what temperature meat should be cooked to. 165 degrees Fahrenheit is the standard for poultry.

Regarding hard boiled eggs, I have found as many instructions online as there are people on the planet. The variation of the instructions that seems to work the best for me (at least for the small batches I do, which is usually never more than six eggs at a time) is to place the eggs in a pan with cold water. Bring the water to a rolling boil, or as I like to say, a "hearty boil" (you know, not just little bubbles, but really big, robust bubbles),  then remove the pan from the burner, immediately cover the pan, and start the timer for 12 minutes. This seems to get me great hard-boiled eggs every time.

The rest of this recipe is pretty self-explanatory.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Buster Bars

My favorite dessert as a child and one I requested for at least a couple of birthdays growing up was this homemade version of Dairy Queen’s Peanut Buster Bar. It’s so delicious once you’ve had it you will crave it forever.

My mom got this recipe from family friend, Karen Norris, as you can see on the recipe card below. One thing I’ve noticed is that my mom’s and grandmas’ recipe cards were very good about citing from whom a recipe came. It seems so cute and almost quaint to me how important it was to my mom’s and grandmas’ generations to make sure the proper person got credit for a recipe they shared.

I think of the site Pinterest, which I love by the way ( You see users post stuff willy nilly from multiple sources and often photos get separated from their original links along the way and are floating out there with no easily-discernable owner. Copyright issues certainly can arise quickly, can’t they? Plus the issue of true originality and who owns what all seems a bit murky, if you ask me. I’m sure it’s all very clear cut if you’re a copyright lawyer, but for the average person I think there are a lot of grey areas.

For instance, a retailer pays a photographer to shoot their product. The photographer gives up his copyright to the retailer. You, Pinner A on Pinterest, love the product as seen on the retailer’s website and share it with the world by pinning it to one of your boards. The photographer, if he sees your pin, may be sad he didn’t get credit or even a mention for his lovely shot of product X but he gave up his copyright to the retailer. Is the retailer, who now owns the photo and to whom you’ve probably just driven a ton of business by sharing your love of their product, going to care? If anything, I would think the retailer is thrilled. But didn’t you technically use something without permission (the photo) that the retailer owned? Sure you might have linked back to the retailer’s website, thus giving the retailer and indirectly the photographer at least a “shout-out,” but is that enough by today’s ever-changing legal definitions to have avoided copyright infringement?

Now, apply it to a song you’ve used in your homemade wedding video. The video goes viral on YouTube, because you all did a wedding dance to Michael Jackson’s song Thriller at your reception (sound familiar?). Can Michael Jackson’s estate sue you because you did not get permission to use Michael’s song in your video? What if your video going viral drove thousands of people to download Thriller from iTunes and brought in lots of additional revenue to the Michael Jackson estate? Or, what if the opposite happened? What if people hated your video so much that they boycotted buying the Thriller song?

I peruse hundreds of recipes in books and magazines and on blogs weekly and so many of them strike me as being slight, and I mean very slight, variations of each other. I’m sure we’ve all viewed many exact duplicates of recipes too without even realizing it, because how would we know for sure that we were looking at a duplicate since none of us have a computer-like memory or the time or inclination to compare every recipe we’ve ever viewed side by side with every other recipe we’ve every viewed?

So what makes something an original recipe then? What if you think something up on your own and find out later someone else had already created it years before you had? I would argue that unless you’ve invented a new ingredient you probably are duplicating or coming very close to duplicating a recipe someone else has already created, whether you realize it or not.

Maybe none of this stuff does violate copyright, though? Maybe it is all covered by Fair Use or Creative Commons? As if you haven’t figured out by my ramblings by now, none of it seems very clear cut to me. However, if I had to try and summarize copyright in a nutshell, I would say that copyright laws were created because they were supposed to protect a person’s ability to make revenue from something that person created, and if a person is making revenue BECAUSE someone is breaking a copyright, I think that can make the whole issue become very sticky very quickly.

Well, I guess I went off on quite a tangent there! I guess this is all just a long way of asking, were all the women cited on my mom’s and grandmas’ recipe cards the true originators of those recipes or did they just get the recipe from someone else? That said, if you’re reading this blog, Karen Norris, please don’t sue me. :-)

Karen Norris’s Buster Bars

10 oz. Hydrox Cookies crushed
Add 1/2 stick melted butter and pat into pan
Slice 1/2 gallon ice cream. Sprinkle peanuts on top.

2/3 cup chocolate chips
2 cups p. sugar
1/2 cup butter
1 1/2 cup evaporated milk (13 ounce can)

Boil 8 minutes. Cool. Add 1 tsp vanilla and pour over ice cream.

This is the extent of the recipe--pretty much just a list of ingredients, so I will fill in the instructional part, which I made up as I went along (partly from memory remembering helping my mom make them when I was little).

A note about the recipe above--isn't it quaint that they used to have what I would consider to be a generic brand of Oreo cookies and they used to call them Hydrox? Sometimes my mom would buy the Hydrox brand, I believe they were made by Sunshine, instead of the Oreo brand, and I would be so upset. I said it would "ruin" the recipe. I was such a little diva. Now on to the instructions.

First, I took almost a whole bag of Oreo Cookies and I put them in a plastic freezer bag, and then I took a hammer to them. My poodle was quite interested in this part and came into the kitchen to check out what I was doing. I usually don't make such a racket.

The recipe called for only 10 ounces and a whole bag of Oreos is about 15 1/2 ounces, but when I only crushed 2/3 of the bag, it didn't cover the bottom of the cake pan, so I crushed the rest, leaving out only a few Oreos for decoration, so basically feel free to use the whole bag, if you like! I threw in another 1/4 stick of butter too, since I was throwing in more cookies.

Once I melted the butter in the microwave, I mixed it up with the crushed Oreos.

Häagen-Dazs® Vanilla Ice Cream
I used Haagen-Dazs ice cream. I'm a bit of an ice cream prima donna.

Häagen-Dazs® Salted Caramel Truffle Ice Cream
Speaking of, Haagen-Dazs has a limited edition flavor "Salted Caramel Truffle" that has become my all-time favorite. Have you tried it? It's to die for! I'm going to have to stop buying it, though, because I'm gaining too much weight.

One thing I remember my mom doing, when she made the recipe, is she would cut the outside of the ice cream container away, and then let the ice cream soften a bit, and then slice it up. This makes it much easier to manage.

After spreading all the ice-creamy goodness around, it was time to add the Spanish peanuts. Note that the recipe above doesn't give any peanut quantities. I had two cans, so I added them both. 

Planters Redskin Spanish Peanuts

One adjustment I might make to the recipe, in the future, would be to crush the Spanish peanuts first, before adding them. I think that would make the dessert a little easier to eat as those round Spanish peanuts can really turn into little frozen escape artists (so complained one of my co-workers).

When it came time to mix the ingredients for the chocolate sauce, I wondered "What the heck is p. sugar?" "Pure sugar" was the only thing that popped into my mind, as in pure, white sugar. Was there such a thing as unpure, white sugar? Thank goodness I googled "types of sugar" before using white sugar. "Powdered sugar," was one of the types of sugar options that popped up. "Of course! What else could 'p. sugar' mean?!"

Ghiradelli Milk Chocolate Chips

Nestle Carnation Evaporated Milk

When the mixture started to boil, I turned the temperature down from high to medium, so it was just a low rolling boil. Also, I was sure to whisk the chocolate mix frequently, as it was boiling. I didn't want any scorched chocolate.

I poured the mixture into a new bowl, when its eight minutes of boiling was up, so it would cool down faster. One cooled, I stirred in the vanilla and poured the entire, delightful chocolately mixture over my top layer of peanuts.

If the chocolate mixture is still even a tiny bit warm when you pour it into your pan, it might melt down into the lower layers, but that's okay. You are going to be covering the pan and putting the whole thing in the freezer right away. It will all freeze together into one chocolately, delightful square of gooey goodness.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Bake Sale

We had a bake sale at work to raise additional money (on top of our personal pledges) for one of the federations we support through our yearly Community Fund Drive: Open Your Heart to the Hungry and Homeless ( The bake sale was combined with a silent auction. I mentioned in my previous post that my work team was putting together a movie theme basket for this silent auction. Following are photos of just some of the wonderful baskets our department’s units came up with for this auction. Ours is the one on the left is the first photo below.

In addition to bagging up the Nuts and Bolts I made for the bake sale, I tried a new recipe, as well. This one was not from my mom’s and grandma’s recipe file. I found this new recipe on the back of the label that was affixed to the new cake pan I bought.

My cake pans were looking pretty rough—not just scratched up, but in some cases even getting a rusty appearance in places. So, while shopping at Byerly’s, one of the grocery stores I frequent, I purchased a very heavy-duty Wilton cake pan. It was on the back of the label for the cake pan that I found this recipe. I thought it sounded yummy and had to try it.

My goodies at the bake sale

White Chocolate Fruit Blondies

1 cup butter melted
1 cup white chocolate chips
2 cups packed brown sugar
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups all-purpose flower
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup fresh blackberries or raspberries
1 cup fresh blueberries

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Spray pan with vegetable pan spray. Combine melted butter and white chocolate until chocolate is melted. In mixer bowl combine butter and sugar. Beat well; add eggs one at a time beating after each addition. Mix in vanilla. Sift flour and baking powder together. Add to butter mixture mix until combined. Spread into prepared pan. Sprinkle blackberries or raspberries and blueberries on top of batter. Bake 45-50 minutes or until top is lightly browned, but center is still soft when touched. Cool completely on rack. Cuts best if refrigerated for several hours or overnight. Makes about 36 bars.

They were out of raspberries at Super Target, so I substituted blackberries instead.

Here’s the finished product!

I was especially intrigued that the recipe called for brown sugar only. I love brown sugar. Something about it is just so much more sensual than white sugar, don’t you think?
Crystal Sugar Light Brown Sugar

This item was tasty, if I do say so myself, and it was a big hit at the bake sale. It was one of the earliest items to sell out!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Nuts and Bolts (Trail Mix)

At work, we're putting together a movie theme basket for our annual Community Fund Drive. The basket will be auctioned off to raise money for a local food shelf.

The Community Fund Drive is near and dear to my heart as I have been handling all the communications for it for the past five years. This year, with my new Web Manager duties, I turned the communication responsibilities for the Drive over to my co-worker. She has been as passionate about it as I have, and it's been heartwarming for me to know it's in great hands.

Through the Community Fund Drive, University of Minnesota employees raise over a million dollars every year (actually over $1.25 million) for lots of worthy local charities. It's a great way, for us to give back.

For our theme basket, we are including the following items. I'll try to remember to snap a photo of the basket Monday morning, to include in a future post.

Movie Theme Basket

  • 16" x 12" x 6" Seagrass basket
  • Polartec throw blanket
  • 2 large University of Minnesota soda mugs with handles
  • 6 popcorn boxes
  • Newman's Own Microwave Butter Popcorn
  • Orville Redenbacher's Microwave Caramel Popcorn
  • Popcorn seasoning
  • Candy: DOTS, Whoppers, M&Ms, Red Vines, Raisinets, Junior Mints
  • DVDs Movies: The Usual Suspects, Get Smart,  Coraline, and Beetlejuice
Have you ever put together a theme basket for an auction, charity, or gift, and, if so, what did you include?

Also, what do you think of the movie selection above? It wasn't what I had in mind (my contribution to the basket was the candy). I think it's definitely an eclectic mix of movies. Will such an eclectic mix make it appeal to a wider group of folks or a smaller group?

Anyhow, the chillier Autumn weather and the thought of hibernating indoors in the cold Minnesota winter months ahead, curled up under a blanket watching movies, made me want to make a Fall dish.

My mom always made "Nuts and Bolts" this time of year. It was our variation of a trail-type mix and was a staple in our house from before Thanksgiving through Christmas.

I just made a half recipe and even that was a huge amount. Here's the original family-size recipe:

Nuts and Bolts

  • 1 lb (16 ounces) mixed nuts
  • 1 small package Rice Chex
  • 1 small package Wheat Chex
  • 1 small package Cheerios
  • 1 small package pretzel sticks
  • Cheez-Its
  • 1 lb butter
  • 1 Tbsp Celery Salt
  • 1 Tbsp Onion Salt
  • 2 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
Combine nuts and all cereal and crackers in a big bowl. I couldn't always find small package of some items, so you might just have to use half of a large one (or, in my case, because I was cutting the recipe in half, I only used a quarter of some). 
General Mills Rice and Wheat Chex and Cheerios, Rold Gold Pretzel Sticks, Cheez-Its, Lea & Perrins® Worcestershire Sauce, Planters Mixed Nuts, Onion and Celery Salt

Melt butter in microwave. One pound of butter, by the way, is four sticks. After butter is melted, stir in celery salt, onion salt, and worcestershire sauce. Pour over cereal, nuts, and cracker mixture. Stir well.

Bake one hour at 250 degrees, stirring every 15 minutes.

Then sit back, curl up under a comfy blanky, pop in a movie (I'm in the mood to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding for the sixth time), and munch away!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Cock-A-Doodle-Delish Dish

Wow, so first a word about my previous Ham Soup recipe post. My co-workers loved it. A few people didn't just compliment it--they raved about it! Maybe my taste buds are the ones that are out of whack?

Tonight I made a chicken broccoli hotdish (that's a "casserole" for all you non-Minnesotans). I'll bring it in again to work tomorrow, where my co-workers will have to re-heat it to eat it (I'm a poet and don't know it!).

It was delightful--so yummy! And, it's the first time I had a flashback to my mom while eating it. I managed to make an item that tasted like hers so much that my tastebuds opened up a portal in my memory and brought me back to sitting at my mom's dining room table, eating this dish. It made me sad. I miss my mom so much. I am glad I was able to duplicate this recipe well enough to bring back memories of her beautiful spirit.

Easy Chicken Divan

  • 2 packages frozen broccoli (or 2 bunches fresh)
  • 2 cups sliced cooked chicken (3 breasts)
  • 2 cans cream of chicken soup
  • 1/2 cup salad dressing (I assumed the recipe meant Ranch and that's what I used--Buttermilk Ranch to be exact)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon curry powder
  • 1/2 cup shredded sharp cheese
  • 1/2 cup bread crumbs
  • 1 tablespoon melted butter

Birds Eye Tender Broccoli Cuts

Cook broccoli and place in bottom of baking dish.

 Cook and dice chicken first (I baked it in the oven for 30 minutes at 375 for 10 minutes and 350 for the last 20 minutes).

Place chicken on top of broccoli.

Contadina Roasted Garlic & Savory Spices Bread Crumbs and Campbell's Cream of Chicken Soup

Schilling Curry Powder and ReaLemon lemon juice

Hidden Valley Ranch Buttermilk Dressing
Combine soup, salad dressing, lemon juice, and curry powder.

Pour over chicken.

Sprinkle with cheese. 

Combine bread crumbs and butter and sprinkle over all.

Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Trim with pimentos.
